A heartbeat beyond perception,
the verse becomes alive
Its arrow fixed, its prey in sight,
—new truth to hunt old lies
As light grows scarce, it draws its bow,
with aim both clear and true
To strike deceptions middle eye,
—the devil left to spew
(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Winning So
I play the highway one on one,
the miles referee
And chase my spirit’s center line,
direction up to me
The wind to fire the starting gun,
with rules set long ago
All past and future curbside bound,
—this moment winning so
(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Dogwood Goodbye
Deep in the woods I buried a flower
Far below the leaves and scattered bark
And planted a wish that Spring might grant me
Fearing by May all would be dark
Through the snow of a fading winter
A twisted sprig broke toward the sky
Carved on its trunk were tiny letters…
“The gate’s now open—your time to fly”
(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)