
Out of Sight

My son your years are passing you by, just what is it you want to be?

I\'m thinking of going back to college then maybe university I\'ll study and get a degree...

I waited for a reply, a sign of reassurance.
But he couldn\'t look at me.

Dear brother, these brides are passing you by, why not start a family?

I\'m not near ready enough to give away my heart so freely, this time I\'ll wait for true love to find me...

I waited for a reply, a sign of reassurance
But she couldn\'t look at me.

Everybody but me knows whats best for my life it seems, they don\'t share my beliefs or see the world as I see. Free thinking has unlocked so many doors along the path I have walked but it seems not everybody has the same key. I stand stranded at a crossroads, almost out of sight, if I go any further they may send for men in white coats, label psychosis and pour pills down my throat, if only there was a way to make them see, that the gulf in difference between my understanding of this universe, and what they believe, should not be a cause for concern but a celebration of differences.