
As I sit outside your window.

Feel like im always outside your window looking in. 

I knock on the door, hear you moving inside, but never an answer. 

Seems like you want me outside, even tho its not what you say. 

I notice the subtle changes, but you say there arent any. 

I feel alone outside, ill never have the key to this lock. 

Try as I might the door will never open to my touch.  

As I stand there afraid, I realize that maybe just maybe I am right.  

What if you dont want me in, just want to know someone is at your door. 

So I stand here and wait, hoping, that maybe its all in my head. 

I can only stand so much of the rain tho, and there is no shelter outside. 

I stand here and watch, rain clouds drawing ever so close. 

Maybe the door will remained locked, but still i wait hoping and praying