
Mercy Missioners

Fits tune: Little Cornard

(\'Hills of the north rejoice\')


Christ lives, He dies no more

He has opened the door

Door to eternal life

Not our own efforts, strife

Be quick to hear, respond today

While still \'tis time, still mercy\'s day


Pray, watch, your servants here

Faithful with godly fear

Sure resurrection hope

In hearts, not downcast, mope

But trust in His almighty hand

He Lord of life o\'er every land


This life eternal is

To know you Lord, true bliss

Know you the one God true

And Christ your one Son too

For you Father your Son have sent

Saviour on earth, He walked, He went


Went among poor and meek

Longing lost sheep to seek

That they come to His fold

Man, woman, child, young, old

For all you call inclusively

And yet your way exclusively


For there no other way

We can come, for you say

You Christ, the way, the light

The truth, the life, e\'er bright

Bring light, we pray, where hearts dark are

Shine luminous beams, fine day-star


Look on this world troubled

Where peace, mercy is stalled

Return us to first-love

O Spirit, holy dove

Peace desires you in us inspire

Grant peace world o\'er, like holy fire