

Order is completely natural
The weak cower in fear of those stronger than them
People with similar views and status get along
And strong people fight among themselves to rise to the top
Everyone has his/her/their right place in society
Its hierarchy
People instinctively gravitate to where they belong
But there is the select few that has opened their eyes
Those that defy the order
They are weak and strong all at once
They have nothing in common with the others
And they know they can fight
But choose to be peaceful instead
They don\'t have a place in society
Just clutter
Floating around from place to place trying to get by
We have opened our eyes
We know the truth
We know the importance of the order
But guess what
We will keep defying this order
It will not close our eyes again
They are now always open
But they are closed
I know the truth
But do I
Do you see the order
Will you follow it
Defy it
It is your choice
Choose wisely