
Saviour Sightings

Fits tune: Noel Nouvelet

(\'Now the green blade riseth\')

Matthew 28 v.1 - 10


Christ arose at Easter, resurrection power

Now He lives for ever, each day and hour

On Easter morn a great earthquake did rend

The land, when women came gently tomb to tend


Rolled away the stone was, tomb entrance open

They did see an angel sitting in tomb then

Then shone his countenance like lightning bright

Raiment white as snow, gleaming, awesome sight


Then for fear of angel, keepers there did shake

And an appearance as dead men did make

Angel then answered to women, \'Fear not\'

I good news for you have, this your happy lot


I know you seek Jesus, who was crucified

He is not here, see the place when He died

Where they laid Him, now go quickly and tell

His disciples He has fulfilled all things well


Yes, go tell that He is risen from the dead

Goes before to Galilee, your living Head

There shall you see Him, truth, it is no lie

You shall see the Lord who nevermore shall die


Thus they went so quickly, with fear and joy great

Told disciples good news, they were not late

Then on the road Jesus met them, \'All hail\'

Tell friends meet me at Galilee without fail