Holy fuck!
It\'s a quarter to seven
I need to find Heaven in my fantasies before the reality of work takes over gracefully
Grateful am I to have these opportunities that I continue to have
Both blessings to be learned, I do believe
For I am all that I am
Nobody other than me to agree would be my best bet, for nothing is ever set in stone
As true as are the bones that are caressing my flesh
I need to mesh with all that I see and all that I feel
In one way, shape, or form
Patterns, irregular
Much different from the norm
The odd
The unheard of
Love comes from all of the places you allow it to come from
You can start it, you can stop it
Many do
Mistakes true only to them
So, who is anyone to judge, until they nudge our essences with their urges
Welcome, all!
A tall drink of pink am I
The nectar of the wild guava flows from my orifices
A plenty or a few
A clue to find to ride it into me
Bringing the beauty of the dawns new sky
Beauty lies everywhere to gather and to share it
With those who ask
With those who beg
Pleading pulls my right leg up over my shoulder and my left one up over theirs
My melon tears and floods its liquid
Come drink from the fountain of me
Spread the seeds that grow the trees of new forests
Until my little Brontosaurus comes to stampede my Congo again....