
My life Because Of You.

I often day dream of the future,

What is a day without ups and downs?

I\'ve dreamt up a world where I can sleep and dream dreams that aren\'t like the others,

I\'ve dreamt up a world without you,

Without you I don\'t live a life full of fear,

Without you I hang out with my friends like a normal teenager,

Without you,

But without you I would\'ve never met some of the people I\'ve met,

Without you I would not have learned quite yet how to fight my own fights,

Without you I would not have learned that the bad guy could live in the room right next to me,

In jail for life one you raised,

Drugs and rape and only god knows what else they did,

But what happened to me is unforgettable, unforgivable.

I\'ll live with that forever and so will you,

The other dreams only come when thinking of you, them,

When not burdened with the past memories, I become numb, my mind goes blank, I am alone without being alone,

So here I sit in the middle of class writing, 

Because my life is a whirlwind of confusion, emotions, and numbness,

But without you I would have not met the most wonderful people on earth, 

Without you I would not have met him, nor moved here,

I would not have met my best friends. 

But this is not a thank you,

It will never be a thank you, 

I\'ve often wondered what a night with dreams is like,

What a night without those dreams are like,

I guess I will never know though.