
The Bridge of Sighs

Once upon a time, a beautiful dawn made her lovely offspring upon a heart filled with sorrows. 
A bride waits upon the promises of an empty vow, rejecting the course of a destiny seemingly out of reach of her heart’s desire. 
She laments over the misfortunes of an unfilled love, as she gazes upon the church with remorse and pain, pleading for a way out. 
Her gorgeous eyes welled with tears as they subside into the depths of a void awaiting a longing fulfillment. 
She stares and looks past him as if he were a mere ghost, emptying herself out to gather in the small remnant of hope still unveiled.
Looming in the stillness of a decadent promise, the Bridge of Sighs summons her across a murky endeavor to escape the fallacy of a desperate struggle. 
Solace becomes her usual companion as she seeks for her heart’s refuge, to place her treasure upon a faith awaiting another chance at redemption.
Her soul is exhausted with the anxiety to leave him as she dares to attempt to cross over into the realm of the unknown. 
Emboldened with the courage to overcome, she turns to look back once and sighs for the last time as her plight is overcome with the enchantment of an awakening new world. 
A rekindling spirit emerges from the shadows as she regains the luster in her profile, exhaling away at last the deterrence of a mortal grief.