Tristan Robert Lange


The hope that once was
Is now no longer.
Eternal darkness takes flight
And flies with speedy haste.

The sun gets replaced
By clouds and frost;
Grabbing the very icy reigns
Death takes the charge.

Onward toward death\'s
Frozen Horrorland of Life.
Life is but a model town
Found at a nuclear test site.

\"Enter in, take a seat!
You don\'t really have a choice.
This sky ride is a cruisin\'
And the jump is a killer!\"

This is your captain speaking. Fasten your seatbelt, we will be experiencing turbulence along the way! This flight will last as long it takes for you to die. We will be arriving at your final destination shortly. In the mean time, enjoy our complimentary movie, \"Death\'s Horrorland of Life\", played for you over and over and over and over and over and over again, for the low cost of your health and sanity. Please enjoy your flight and thank you for flying with JetBlack.