OUR GOD is a GOD of Peace & Love ~ AMEN


O MY GOD ~ Deliver our Nations and

Our World ~ from Men in authority ~ who

Resort to violence to achieve their ends.

They sweet talk us into believing that

They are really acting in our interests

Brainwash us into a Flag Waving War

That decimates our Brothers & Sisters !


Deliver us from the notion ~ that Good

Can come from violence and hostility !

GOD is on the side of the afflicted

HE deals with Men of Violence ~ and shows LOVE

To the victims of their hostilities 

Help us LORD to overcome Hate with LOVE

To be PEACEMAKERS in a Hostile World !


Thanks for reading ~ comments welcome ~ Peace & Love ~ BRIAN


This Poem is presented as a 7 7 Sonnet in iambic pentameter.

This is called BLANK VERSE and the rhythm is in meter not rhyme.


During his visit ro EGYPT ~ Pope Francis has called for World Peace

and warning that a Total Nuclear War would probably kill over half

the World\'s population 3.7 Men ~ Women ~ Children and render

Planet Earth uninhabitable for millions of species of Flora & Fauna.

I am an Environmental Scientist and I agree with Pope Francis !

Pray for World Peace and especially those who promote WAR.