Angel Smileyface

The Dress She thinks She Looks Good In

Theres a dress she looks good in

shes a little over weight and kinda chubby

she loves this dress and today is gonna be the

first and last day she wears it to school.


The dress she thinks she looks good in is

pink, purple,blue, and a hint of the prettyst green

the dress hits right below her knees revealing her calves 

she puts makeup on with The dress she thinks she looks good in


The dress she thinks she looks good in

she wears it to school and walks into the gym

\"wow\" she hears all of the girls say she thinks its a good

\"wow\" later in 3rd hour behind her her crush says \"eww holy hell fat girl in a dress\"

she was crushed and walked home.


The dress she thinks she looks good in

she dosent really everyone hates it they hate her

she went into her bathroom when she got home and grabed her razor

1.......2.......3.......4 she starts to breathe really hard and within 5 minutes shes gone.


Author note:   this poem hits home im not overweight but when i whear a dress to school all the girls laugh i ust to cut over that. But now i know im my own kind of

beautifull and im not going to let petty girls ruin my favorite dress. This stuff really happens and 2 in 3 kids really commit suicide so please just watch what you say

to and about others.