
Thy Dear Punim - Shana Aubrey Harris

For brightening, delighting and fostering honorably joyously long noble paternal strength.


I miss thee so much...tear ducts moisten the corners of my eyes/ tis impossible nor healthy to suppress any emotion, and so this leaden feeling inside me will be dealt with via slight sobbing - more so for the extra-ordinary enormous strides since days of yesteryear, when extrapolating upon the day ye dotingly grasp the scrolled Redmond (enrichment academy) quantified parchment ovation now magnificent loving kindly, joyous instant heralding giant foray entering domain called Britain...aye...


How grateful this papa to thee 
and brother to Shari
Quires bridging a qed 
Latin translation:  quod erat demonstrandum, 
meaning \"what was to be demonstrated\", 
or, less formally, \"thus it has been demonstrated\"
referring to her obloquy
stating doggedly bluntly - nee
our being \"dirt poor\" as per me
self and Abby - versus (Shari and andy dunning) lee
ping head over heels headlong into a comfortable middle class financial existence key 
notes being: assiduousness, devout hustling linkedin perseverance plus je
nais sais quois (that tis all the French known tummy) icy
didst catapult thee success, and of course he
re: Andy quite amenable, easygoing to a gree 
to any measures tubby taken in an effort to beef free
from penury and my belated kudos to the lifelong energy
Shari Todd harris-dunning exuded as a successful personal decree
yet this sole sun dislikes the immense emotional curse aye did carry
since making my debut and initial cameo appearance soundcloud played bourree
now my body, mind and spirit besotted 
with encrustation of schizoid personality disorder aye!