
Comfort Consolings

Fits tune and hymn name: \'All For Jesus\'

John Chapter 14 part


If you love me, my commands keep

Jesus said unto His sheep

Those who do take Him as Saviour

Do hearts to obey Him stir


For Christ would pray to the Father

For another Comforter

That He may abide thus ever

With us, and leave us never


Even the Spirit of truth, He

Whom the world cannot receive

Because it does not see Him here

Nor knows Him, His presence dear


But His people, we Him do know

For he dwells with us, \'tis so

And is in us, we His temples

He inhabits humble souls


Comfortless He does not leave us

Comes to us, and does us bless

Comforter, the Spirit Holy

He will our strength, solace be


The Father sends Him in Christ\'s name

He shall teach us all things, same

As what Christ has taught us truly

He shall help us, show us, He


And too bring things to remembrance

Quicken and inspire each sense

All things whatsoever Christ said

Leads us to our risen Head