

Bad news! The old friend is dead,

Thirty year old boiler now has fled,

Thus, shivers and tears like socks are paired,

Taking warmth for granted we should be scared,

But with nonce we’ve saved the pennies with grit,

We’ll soon get our needed heat hit,

No need to throw a hissy fit,

As we will presently be relit,


Tiny Hobbit heaters come out of hiding,

Our shins are burning and their lights are blinding,

But at least we are warm enough until the repair,

My baby act should cease as really all is fair,

There are more things to worry about twit,

We’ll soon get our constant heat hit,

Stop being a spoilt little git,

For just around the corner we’ll get relit,


The man of the fire honours his appointment,

Adding new wires creating hearth’s ointment,

As the house is a body with now clearer veins,

The dangerous old tubes are tossed down the drain,

Finally no more do we desire new kit,

Complaining stops as we have our hit,

Please come on over to relax, to sit,

Addressing that we have to admit,

That taking it for granted has to quit

So, protect new boiler friend, to commit,

Otherwise we will write a farce like skit,

That will render us all to be unfit,

Thus a mission statement we submit,

A declaration that is legit,

Pristine Worcester we will keep it,

In order to continue to be relit.