
Face the Music

It’s time for me to face the music. I just can’t do it. I don’t even want to move.

How can I face the one’s I call friend when I can’t even face this ever growing black hole in my chest?

I tried to take to the knife last night. But I’m not gonna tell nobody without a fight. I know I need help from with this darkness within. I know I need somebody to come take me in. I just can’t do it you know? Everybody looks at you different when you tell them your problems. They think your broken, something to fix. I don’t want to be somebody’s arts and crafts pics. I know I need help to move on, but I don’t need someone to look on. Watch what I do, right in a book and then settle for half truths. I need somebody to care, not fix me. I may be broken and shattered, but that’s what you see. I see a fighter, a survivor. I see a lonely human being who just needs someone to talk to. I see a person, not a problem. I see a light in the darkness. I see a brand new me. But I need you to fight for me. Without you, I lay my life down at Death\'s feet. So I need you to stand up. I need you to show up beside me, hold on tight to me. Don\'t let me fall. If I fall it\'s over. I don\'t want that, but without you... there is nothing holding me back.