Not Important


The monolith of cackling smoke grows stouter, melding with the sky,
The only words through drowning screams and pleading moans to heavens - \"WHY?!?!\"
Burnt hair compares to nothing else, can\'t be confused on any par,
Foul, rendered fat of tall mistakes accumulated over lives spread far
In sharp effluvia. Bouquets
Fond childhood memories awash,
Nostalgic deja vu,
No less.

The fire rages, hordes of flames devour carbon, vomit ash,
They flourish and incinerate, as all new fires - young and brash.
There is a person of intent, of satisfying urgent needs,
Who will take pleasure in and care for each inferno that he feeds.

Won\'t get to see this blaze mature, it isn\'t my concern today,
I only do what must be done,
I light the match and walk away.