Lizzy Renee

Death Grip

The Death Grip,

Is like a lion,

Watching it\'s prey,

Waiting to pounce.

It waits for a surprise or overwhelment of sadness or pain.

Then it attacks.

It strangles and without waiting,

Goes for the death grip.

It squeezes and squeezes,

And the prey feels helpless and on the edge of life.

All of a sudden,

With a bang and a pow,

The lion is lying on the floor.

The prey looks around,

but sees nothing

He sees a kind, gentle hand.

Reaching out.

He takes it and the hand helps him up.

Then disappears.

The Death Grip is gone.

The lion is the death grip of sadness,

And we are the prey.

The hand is God

who helps us in every way.