

I sit here and ponder life often. While I sit and ponder the varying terrain of each path that life offers, I can’t help but allow thoughts of you to wonder around and get tangled in the everyday endeavors that could be. I will come back to you, for now, lets focus on life.


So many possible destinations to end at, all contingent on variables in and out of our control. Did you catch the key in that phrase? To end. Because life does that, at some point, end. All the endless possibilities that life offers you, the endless places you could end up. It all ends. Happy. Sad. Tranquil. Chaotic. Whatever. It ends, in the end.

Back to you.

You. So much strength in that, the knowing of you. You took my path and twisted it around and altered my descent into to a sharp incline, and the view is beautiful. I realized, while thoughts of you floated around and solidified, that you glided in and integrated into my notion of what life is. Every possible direction that this life, or the alternative lives, can produce, none necessarily end with you, but evolves from having known you. Where life can end, you are endless… my notion of life, indefinitely, is you.