
Lament Learnings

Fits tune: Southwell

(\'Lord Jesus, think on me\')

Lamentations Chapter 5 v.15 - 22 and Chapter 3 v.22 - 26


1. Joy of our heart has ceased

Our mourning has increased

The crown from our heads has fallen

We turn from sins again


2. Turn back to the Lord, for

Our heart is faint, we poor

And eyes are dim from weeping sore

Leave us not evermore


3. The mount Zion barren

Desolate, foxes den

You Lord for ever do remain

You rule o\'er all unfeign[ed]


4. Why do you us forget

Forsake us long time, yet

Turn unto us, O Lord, and we

Shall be turned, and you see


5.  Renew our days as when

Olden days blessings then

But all rejected here we seem

Devoid of your lights\' beam


6.  Very wroth sure you are

Against us, removed far

Your presence, yet still do we say

Come restore us we pray


7. It is because of this

The LORD\'s mercies, sole His

That we are not consumed away

Nor vanish from the day


8. Because His compassions

Fail not, He shows to ones

As us, for each morning they new

Are, great faithfulness too


9. The Lord is my portion

Says my soul, He has done

Righteous judgements, for He is good

I shall hope as I should


10. Shall hope in Him, quiet wait

For His salvation, state*

That it is good that one does bear

The yoke in youth, it share


(*state = in the sense of \'say\' or \'mention\')