

I do my poos, in the loos

Sometimes in Grand mama\'s shoes.

On a scale of smell my bum would get a 10

In the middle of a meal 

I\'ll say \"Hang on, skip the eel,

I need to go to the lav again\"


It really is not fun

When in the countryside your bum

Needs a poo but all there is is plants

So to my friend I say

\"Kindly look the other way,

I\'m about to take down my underpants\"


It can be sticky and slooshy

Very wet or very mooshy

Thick and hard or a sloppy one that\'s soft

Sometimes I could poo for the nation

Other times, my constipation

Occurs and I can barely get a waft


You may think I\'m minging

With this song I\'m singing

You think \"What\'s wrong wit this person\'s brain?

But it\'s true that in a meal 

I\'ll say \'\'Hang on, skip the eel,

I need to go to the lav again\'\'