
I\'m Fine.

People ask me why I daydream

But if you ask me, they should be asking me what I daydream about

People daydream about the things that they wish would happen

I dream about a life where I’m not myself

I dream of a life where I get to be the pretty one

A life where I get the guy rather than get hurt

……A life where I’m happy


Whenever my friends ask me am I okay, instead of saying yes I say,

“I don’t think that I’ll ever be okay.”

Most of the time I don’t know why I act the way I do

I haven’t talked to some of my friends that I used to talk to every day in a weeks

I try to change, I try to become better

But I sadly end up right back to where I am now

Change is a hard thing to do

However, to be honest

I don’t want to change

I like being who I am

I realize that some people don’t like seeing me upset

But just because I don’t wear a smile like I do a shirt

Doesn’t mean that I don’t feel alright

I’m fine

I mean it this time