Dave poet

Stop racism

The colour of your skin should not matter,

Racism should have stopped when the world was flatter.

Black or white, yellow or blue,
Your colour should make no difference to you.

If you were to drown and your only hope,
Was the colour of the person holding the rope.

Would you lose your life just out of spite,
Or accept that rope and see them right.

You read my poem you treat me the same,
If I told you my colour would you read it again,

Why can\'t we all live together in peace,
Why can\'t all this racism just Cease,

On a bed you are dying
From a gene that you lack,
Your only hope is a man from Iraq

Would you tell him to leave with hate in your eye,
Or ask him to save you, rather than die.

Our world is so sick
From violence and hate,
From the most advanced species,I think it\'s too late,

remember that racism is not just from the white,
Realise that and we have less of a fight.