
Once Upon My Midnight\'s Madness

Once upon my midnight\'s madness

Flashed the fire that proved so tragic

There in silence a spark ensued

Started small but it endured

And all of Hell came alive

Burning flesh , skin , and hide

Leaving nothing for imagination

Ash and soot for instigation

And in it\'s greed it swallowed all

The high and mighty  , the lowest call

Nor even children would be spared

Those awful screams it doesn\'t care

And those trapped on upper floors

Jumped from windows by the scores

Onlookers screamed , no help to send

As mothers with children came to end

Not till it satisfied it\'s maw

Did the flames fade and flaw

Allowing firemen to quench it\'s thirst

It\'s all over but still that\'s not the worst

Comes the shock that stuns us all

Why did so many have to fall