
Holy Helpings

Fits tune: Christchurch [Steggall]

(\'Now is eternal life\')

Psalm 86 v.1 - 10


1. Bow down, O LORD, your ear

Receive your servant dear

For poor and needy I

To you for refuge fly

Preserve my soul, I to you pray

For I am holy, this I say


2. You my God surely are

You hear me from afar

And too when I am near

And feel your presence here

Save your servant, I trust in you

Come help me with your graces true


3. Be merciful to me

And my afflictions see

Return unto my soul

Grant me joy, make me whole

For to you my soul I uplift

Let not evil me shake and sift


4. For you, O Lord, are good

I worship as I should

For you shall come, forgive

In your sight I shall live

Plenteous in mercy you are

To who call on you, morning-star


5. Give ear, Lord, to my prayer

I trust that you are there

And to my voice attend

Supplications I send

Unto your throne of grace, you will

in my troubles answer me still


6. Among the gods there be

None other like you, we

Confess you Lord of all

Hear those who on you call

Nor any works are like to yours

Your creation it you adores


7. All nations who you made

Redemption price you paid

For them, they shall come to

You, and shall worship you

And too your name shall glorify

Almighty God, who ne\'er shall die


8. For you, O Lord, are great

Majestic your estate

And you do wondrous things

Your people to you sings

For you, O God, are God alone

The earth and heavens are your own