
Vengeance Vindications

Fits tune: Eine Fest Burg

(\'A mighty fortress is our God\')

Psalm 94


1. O LORD God, vengeance it is yours

Show yourself, our hearts assure

Lift up yourself, judge of the earth

Render reward to proud, their worth

O Lord, how long shall be

That wicked triumph, see

How long they speak hard things

And not you glory bring

Nor praises to you they sing?


2. How long they boast them in their deeds

They break in pieces, nor not heed

Your words and ways shown to them there

Your heritage they not share

They slay widow, stranger

Murder orphans, not care

Yet they say the Lord He

Shall not regard, not see

In oppressive state are we


3.  Understand this, you brutish ones

You fools, when be you wise once

God that planted the ear, he hears

He that formed the eye, appears

And sees, chastises just

For righteous judgement must

Be done, He shall correct

And protect His elect

Act, bring all to good effect


4.  The Lord the thoughts of man does know

That they are only vain show

Blessed are those who He does chasten

Discipline, it shall hasten

To turn them back humbly

To Him, and it shall be

That He shall teach them sure

E\'en from His holy law

Give them rest from their troubles sore


5.  For the LORD will not forsake

His people, them to Him will take

And righteous judgement shall be seen

Where wicked actions, words, [had] been

Who will for me uprise

Against evil and lies?

Who will stand up for me

Against wrong-doers, se

The Lord seeks such, who shall be?


6.  Unless the Lord my help had been

My soul near-silence would glean

When I said, My foot slips, then you

O LORD, held me up, \'tis true

And in my many thoughts

Your comforts [to] me are brought

For they delight my soul

And they shall make me whole

Your great name I shall extol


7.  Shall throne of iniquity

Have fellowship with you, be

Side by side with you, and abide?

No, it cannot there reside

For you are our defence

Lord God, help us now hence

You my rock, my refuge

[I am] Safe from evil deluge

God of righteous vengeance, you