
Insightful Perspective Of Bettering A Perception About My Interpersonal Affliction For Whomever Actually Gives A F**k...

Why most certainly, I do proclaim, this is my cursed godforsaken wretched life -
That was and continues to be nothing short of a constant and consistent merciless, relentless, unyielding, ruthless, narcissistic cynical torturous monstrosity -
Which always seemed to be a never failing onslaught of perpetual suffering, sadness, misery, tragedy, misfortune, heartache and loneliness...

But despite all that I\'d like everyone to fully know and completely understand these undeniable truths about myself -
That I have already accepted, embraced and made part of my life from which has and is occurring in my life -
I am both happy and sad, hopeful but yet hopeless, content but also regretful, serene but yet turmoiled simultaneously -
Which in truth is a very paradoxical oxymoron contradiction, for this I know to be utterly true -
And to this very day, I am that still trying to figure out how that is even possible to live as such...

But notwithstanding these consistently and constantly feelings -
I have come to realize that from all my uniquely indifferent life to which I have endeavored and endured through -
With little or no help at all that at day\'s end I somehow have managed to emerge, a even more, stronger person than beforehand -
Nd from out of my suffering the most influential, unwavering, characteristics were carved into my heart and finally seared onto my soul -
Leaving behind unhealed wounds, invisible scars, that were unforgettable painful lessons and reminders of how far I have come and how much further I have to go -
It also instilled into me the unwavering steadfast aspiration to never give up or give in -
Regardless of whatever odds were stacked against me or despite how bad things might get or actually are...

Lastly, I declare with the utmost honesty the mere irrefutable indisputable truthful fact -
That it was indeed the painful suffering itself that had been my strongest teacher yet to date and it continues to be even into the here and now these days -
For the brutal agonizing torturous suffering taught me to understand what my heart once was -
And what it could be used for and what it can be used for and what it can become only if I willingly choose it to be as such...

So furthermore, I have the idealistic spirited hope that one day, in hindsight, that all of my years of my unpleasant struggles shall strike others as it did me as the most mentionable noteworthy memorable beautifully painful years of my yesterday\'s...

Also, I do hope that many will see and understand that each and every one of our own painful struggles Can and will either define or reshape who we are to become in the here and now as well as the future -
Or it can break and dissolve the resolution of ourselves in the here and now as well as the future -
And either can be done by the unnatural deviant nefarious forces of life -
Or by the unwavering independently driven sheer willpower of one\'s own self