
\"I Do Not Understand\"

I Do Not Understand 

why the world chooses hate

why people dictate who you are before you know your own fate

I do not understand why people could be so cold

why my father always taught me to be daring and bold


I do not understand why the world preaches \"life\"

But then breaks you down out of anger and spite

I do not understand how you could crush a man\'s soul

Then dance on top his grave and deface his tombstone


I do not understand why we experience pain

why some people lose everything and have nothing to gain

How you could keep your head in the clouds and yet not feel the rain

How you could keep you head in the clouds and yet not feel the rain


I do not understand the Lord\'s patience

Why he could be so gracious

To grab me when I\'m fading

It\'s amazing


I do not even understand myself

Life is a card game where the suits are dealt

Last round, time\'s up, another loss I felt

An everlasting defeat as my heart melts


But I DO understand that there are good people out there

The ones that give you clothes when you have none to wear

The ones that reassure you when you\'re crippled with fear

The ones that show you love when your heart is quite bare


This is for them....