
The one.


I was afraid I would ever meet someone like him again.

 He infected my thoughts and left me disorientated. 

He made me insomnious.

 He purged my daydreams and left me feeling emptier than the atoms in his heart, He let me sob and let the pillows absorb the liquid agony. 

He created the agony, the kind that felt like a black hole in my chest.

 He polluted my sense.

 He shattered my heart into tiny pieces and left me unable to feel a thing. I was hypnotised, blind, lied to and decieved,

I wish I\'d took care, i wish I\'d not let him in. 


I regret it 

I regret it 

I regret it, 



And then i met HIM, the one. 


The one who loves me in the way the sun sets between the mountains,

how he opened up to me as the vibrant red sky turned to musky grey and let me see him for who he really was,  

how he made me become more softer, less violent. 

More like the shore taking everything as it came, and less like the ocean crashing against everything that stood in its way. 

The one who has made me love in a way i have never loved before. 

Its different, but new. And better. A lot better. 

The one that made me realise love is not supposed to be arguments and alone souls.

The one that taught me love shouldn\'t be is my heart feeling raw. 

It shouldn\'t be my screams echoing through the walls because i was burning alive at seeing you in the halls. 


He, he taught me that. 

He taught me love.