Lizzy Renee

The Rainbow

Dear Rainbow,

When did you first appear?

Why is it, with only clouds of tear?

I have so many questions for you can not condemn.

\"Sit down, my child, and I will answer all of them\"

He says.

\"Here is my story,

To you I may tell because I am formed with glory.

Once, My father, whom I may not describe,

Told me, \'look at me child, with both eye,

you are soon to be a sign,

Of promise and design.

To my people, who have disobeyed.

Only with rain, may they see you,

But you will always be.

Soon to see me in Heaven, you will be free.\"

Not a day goes by,

I am not my his side.

I see all the rain, will it ever subside?

Once there is no more rain,

My father tells me \"May your life be full of joy, not gain.\"

And with that, he sends me off.

I shine as bright as I can,

The people look at me in amaze,

Not caring of the sun\'s blaze.

And so on, life has gone,

With people not looking at ME, but beyond.

Every time I feel blue,

I think of my Father, who is coming soon.

I see his son, crucified,

And as disciple\'s call the church a bride.

I listen of their tales of old,

And even of the new foretold.

Child, you see,

God loves you and me,

And will never part,

Because we, are in his heart.\"

The child watched, as the rainbow went away,

Sure to come back, another day.