
Oh My Captain

Oh my Captain , my Captain

Where is the gleam in your eye

Where is that sting

Wherever your colors fly


Where is that thirst

for adventure you sail

Where is that booming voice

through oak will drive nail


Oh ! My Captain

Where could ye be

Thy gaze crosses

more than the sea


Where is the man

who knows not any fears

Who cheated Death

all these long years


Come Captain

Where is thy cheer

We sail into eternity

The rest is unclear


Oh Captain ! My Captain !

Why such a sad soul

It\'s treasure and loot

So much we have stole 


Oh Master ! My Master !

We are , and can no more be

Like the birds we are free

As long as we breathe


Come Captain , my Captain

Give us command

Give weigh all anchors

Seek ye new harbors with warm golden sand