
Hopeless Romantic.

I could have told you I loved you.

I felt the words rising in my throat. But my jaw tightened and my teeth clenched and it felt like being scared of heights again. It felt like being afraid to dive straight in. It was like I was on the high dive, I could see the water so clearly but my heart told me if I took that leap it was a sure fire fall flat on the concrete. I guess I wasn’t ready. I’ve got guts I never thought I would have but I guess that’s a risk I just can’t take yet. You’re someone I could spend my whole life with. And I think that might be the craziest thing I’ve ever said. I know I haven’t known you long enough for this so I’m scared if I told you how I felt you might tuck tail and run because let’s be honest you’re a realist and

I’m still a hopeless romantic.