
Only Remembered.

Only Remembered,

A song that came into my life

So many years ago.

A song of sorrow,

The sorrow of death in war.

A song that came to mean so much,

Mean so much to me.


Those three voices in harmony

Pervading My Spirit

With so much emotion.

Three men whose songs called to me,

Called to me with passion.


At last I was going to see them,

And there they were,

Singing to the audience,

Singing to me,

Singing to me for the first,

And for the last time,

They would sing together no more.


There work done they walked off the stage

But the roar from the crowd pulled them back,

And then they sang it,

The first song that I had heard from them

Became their last,

As they too drifted away to become,

Only Remembered.