

I\'m tired of twisting in my days

Looking for a thin straight line

The Minotaur looked at me

I could see the Theseus 

Written across his mind


The Labyrinth is not the same

It\'s turned into a maze

I have no more reason now

I must be on my way


So the Minotaur made reservations

Mediterranean sea

It\'s so nice there this time of year

He flew tourist in section \'C\'


Minos called and made a request

Come back was in fact his plea

But the Minotaur was bullheaded about it

There\'s more to this than you , it\'s ME !


So the Minotaur  stayed upon the beach

Enjoying life as a distant sunset flees

Never regretting making that call

\"Trapped inside our living labyrinth

is one maze without any visible walls\"