
Love is cruel

When he said his last goodbye
She felt a piece of her die as he walked away
She was left with bruises on her ribcage from him punching out the words she thought she\'d never hear
She was left to heal the open wounds
She stayed up night after night with one eye open waiting for her phone to light up
Only for your name to be the one to pop up
Sadly it never was
So she was left to find herself through the empty sheets that they\'d play hide and seek
And the way she could find his smile through the tears
Or when she kisses his cheek over and over and didn\'t have to look because she knew you were smiling
She\'d lay and stare up at the ceiling that they put glow in the dark stars upon so on cold nights they didn\'t have to go outside
They could still lay together and talk about there future and goals
While he stared up at the \"stars\"
And she looked at you
He had the whole damn galaxy in his eyes
Sipping on cheap coffee and dollar candy bars
They always found the enjoyment in each other\'s company
Some how in some way, things went wrong
He left with no reason, no explanation, just a tear in his eye and a silent goodbye
And in that moment
She knew what it was like to die and still be breathing
She knew what It felt like to sleep without dreaming
Or to smile and not feel anything
And you swore you still loved him
Or maybe the thought of love seemed so beautiful and you saw no pain that came with it
So you pretended
And maybe he never loved you, and just the thought of your curves on your body was the only thing he desired
Or that sex won\'t make him see the beauty of your scars and how perfectly imperfect you really are
And no amount of time in the world could make him appreciate the things you did
Your love wasn\'t meant to stay
It was never meant to be
And you\'ll never truly understand how the universe put to broken souls together and ripped you apart from each other so effortlessly
You learned that the world is a cruel place