
Mountain family holiday villa and Waves..

I\'m on a family holiday in Spain
We are in a villa on a mountain side, unbelievable beautiful..
Wrote these two today overlooking the Mediterranean.....

         Mountain Holiday family villa

Silence falls upon these alleyways and doors
Just the sound of waves crashing upon the shores
Behind each door children and adults asleep
Tired from sun, sand, sea, and exploring the deep.
Laughter and crying came in almost equal amounts today
But tonight all is as quiet as this mountain keep
Their eyes bear witness to the mothers beauty
And tread where many feet have stepped before
When this family have finally left
Another will wander in their stead
But mother will keep on smiling




Like a coffee\'s froth he rolls upon This sandy shore.
With a roar to signal his arrival . Intermittent breaths before the next.
Sometimes louder than the last.
his early morning rise has few to witness.
Save but the single walker.
But like a piano\'s perfect note, his timing is impeccable....