
Comforting Consolations

Fits tune: Angel Voices

(\'Angel voices ever singing\')

Parts of Isaiah Chapter 40


1. Behold the LORD comes with strong hand

To defend His land

His strong hand, His arm o\'er ruling

Over everything

Behold His reward is with Him is

You shall see this

It be bliss


2. And His work before Him it be

He good shepherd, see

He shall with His arm gather then

It shall be so when

And shall carry lambs to Him close

With gentle pose

Each He knows


3. He shall not o\'er stretch or them strain

Nor cause grief or pain

But to each one shall with care tend

Not spoil, break, or rend

All nations before Him as nought

Us He has sought

Us has bought


4. For see nations, as a drop be

In a bucket, see

And they so inconsequential

Compared unto all

That he Lord is, he Almighty

Ever holy

Great and free


5. Yes, the nations small counted are

God greater by far

They the small dust of the balance

Which the scales do sense

To God the isles be as little

Frail and brittle

Vain them all


6. He the Lord, the great Creator

Does His power stir

Never faints, is never weary

Unsearchable be

Limits of His understanding

Yet we Him sing

Worship bring


7. To the faint He does give power

Sustains every hour

To those with no might He gives strength

Empowers at length

Even youths shall be faint, weary

Tired and dreary

Their state be


8. But they that upon the LORD wait

They shall be helped great

Their strength shall renew, they mount shall

On eagles wings well

They shall not be weary, but run

Walk, all be done

Through God\'s Son