

No matter what I do, no matter what I say,
I believe I will always feel the same way.
Even if I cry, beg or scream,
my reality will never be my dream.
They say talking is the key,
but are they really that blind to see?
If a person cannot even leave their base,
what good will it do talking face to face?
Have you even been through the same?
you dont know my story, just my name.
And that name will obviously mean nothing to you,
I understand that, believe me I do.
But I want you to look at me,
truly look, tell me what do you see?
as I am sure our output wont be the same,
your life is serious whereas mine is a game.
you have to play yourself, I can only trust me,
you have to know when its time to set yourself free.
Letting down and falling under, thats expected,
but as I stand here today, I know the truth needs to be elected.
Sarah laws