
Let\'s Get Lost.

The music sails through me

Like a Spirit from the world,

That world of Jazz,

That world where Chet was found.


A troubled man,

A man whose music speaks to me

Takes me into ‘The Cool’.

His smooth trumpet calls me,

The sounds sibilantly slides though me,

Bringing me to peace.


He did get lost,

Lost to that world of heroin,

But came back,

Came back better, stronger.


The world was at his feet

And his sounds ruled the world.

Then he played “Lets Get Lost” once more,

That final time,

That day he fell,

Fell and was taken from us,

Taken from me.

His legacy lives on,

Lives on in his music.


That music that seems to talk,

Talk to me,

Showing me he is there.

He is alive in his music,

And he is still there for me,

As he always will be.



Chet – Chet Baker, December 23, 1929 – May 13, 1988