WELL ~ You wonder why I always dress in BLACK

Why you never see bright colors on my back

And why does my appearance seem to have a sombre tone

WELL ~ There\'s a reason for the the things that I have on 

I wear the BLACK for the poor and broken down 

Livin\' in the hopeless hungry side of town

I wear it for the Prisoner who has long paid for his crime 

But is there \'cos he\'s a victim of the time ..........


I wear the BLACK for those who never read

Or listened to the words that JESUS said

About the road to happiness through love and charity

WHY ~ you\'d thing He\'s talking ~ straight to you and me

WELL ~ we\'re doin\' mighty fine I do suppose

In our streak of lightnin\' cars and fancy clothes

But just so we\'re reminded of the ones who are held back

Up front there ought \'a be a MAN IN BLACK ............


I wear it for the sick and lonely old

For the reckless ones whose  bad trip left them cold

I wear the BLACK in mournin\' for the lives that could have been

Each week we lose a hundred fine young men

And I wear it for the thousands who have died

Believin\' that the Lord was on their side

I wear it for another hundred thousand who have died

Believin\' that we all ~ were on their side ..........


WELL there\'s things that never wiil be right ~ I know

And things need changin\' ~ everywhere you go  

But \'til we make a start ~ to make a move to make things right 

You\'ll never see me wear a suit of WHITE !

Ah ~ I\'d love to wear a RAINBOW every day

And tell the World that that everything\'s  OK  

But I\'ll try to carry off a little darkness on my on my back

\'Till things are brighter ~ I\'m the  MAN IN BLACK !


Thanks for visiting ~ this is a great poem to recite ~ Each

stanza runs into the next. You can listen to it on You Tube.

Comments welcome. Johnny wrote this in 1964 ~ Love BRIAN XOX