Samreen Chowdhury

Love your self

How many more times are you going to stop your self?

not drinking not eating not sleeping not thinking,

whats the matter with you, put your mind in the right state and reitrite what\'s your name, take notice in your identity and remember who you are.

theres not many out there who get to live the life your living right now. Life\'s hard? It\'s hard every where, the term \"hard\" doesn\'t accosite only to you it belongs to every soul that\'s living in this world. Maybe you watch people being happy and laugh but don\'t forget you can\'t tell what\'s going on within their soul, maybe they\'re living a life much better than yours but stresses from conflicts at home.

you see us humans we lack the purpose because it\'s hard to believe in our self as we don\'t love our self, we can\'t find the reason why but the only possible answer is that we got to set our standards high. 

take another moment and congratulate your self for being who you are today, hate your self? Remove that mask and love your self, be the bird that\'s free and be the wind that\'s calm, because you\'ll never know when you\'ll hear the death alarm.