Tony Jr


What I saw standing there made the earth stand still,
I couldn\'t believe what stood before me,
So delicate,
Yet Strong,
I knew the place I was in was not wrong...

Dead grass suddenly grew,
Flowers blossomed,
Birds chirpen,
A beautiful creation was for certain...

Love is the food of life,
One cannot fully live without it,
For this I can say I will never go hungry,
My slice of bread,
The water to wash it down,
For this is all I need to survive...

As the cool breeze touches it intoxicates my body,
Now in a state of ecstasy,
The world has been blocked out,
Now exhausted from an elongated journey...

You are one,
Yet you are all,
You have one heart but fulfill two,
Unhuman to be so flawless,
I was truly confound,
A dream I dream a thousand times would now become a reality !