
Choosing Considerations

Fits tune: Mozart

(one tune to: \'Your hands, O Lord, in days of old\')

For St Matthias Day (May 14th)

Part of Acts Chapter 1


In early days believers met

New apostle to get

To appoint one in Judas\' place

When sad he fell from grace

Yet in a mystery prophesied

By psalmists, they not lied

Spoken, \'May his house be empty

No one live in it\', see


Also \'May someone his place take\'

Again group of twelve make

Someone needed to join the band

To evangel each land

Such a one should a witness be

Who did Christ\'s rising see

His resurrection from the dead

He now our living Head


Must be one from the group chosen

Who with the others when

The Lord Jesus with them travelled

Not one who left or stalled

But one who stayed for all the time

Throughout the Lord\'s life-rhyme

Beginning from when John baptised

\'Til Christ\'s ascent apprised*


Joseph, Matthias, were proposed

Yet not idly supposed

But prayer was made, the Lord to ask

Who should fulfil the task

To take the place of Judas now

They prayed the Lord, show how

If either of the two should be

To join the company


Method of the lot was used

Not \'lucky dip\' abused

But choice was made there after prayer

Which one should with them share

And so Matthias, chosen he

Apostle for to be

Yet all in Christ do have a place

Joseph too, every race


(*apprised - given notice of, informed)