COUNT BLESSINGS ! A 5 ~ 9 Sonnet



COUNT  your blessings every day

O NE BY ONE  little things like your breakfast

U BER  things like Friends & Family         

N EW  things ~ like a new Job or a new Baby

T REAT  each new day as a JOY not a PAIN !


B LESSINGS  are often things we  take for granted

L IFE & LOVE & LIBERTY ~ Thank GOD for  

E VERYTHING  every Morning ~ pray for the

S ICK and lonely and for the millions who are

S TARVING  while we have a wide choice of food 

I  THANK GOD  for all I possess ~ I share and I 

N EVER  look on the Negative ~ always Positive

G OD  has given  us skills and opportunities to

S HARE with our Community and make a DIFFERENCE


It is more Blessed to GIVE than to RECEIVE ~ AMEN !

Thanks for reading ~ Comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN

This poem is presented as a Free Verse 5 ~ 9 Sonnet ~ OK