

This is a poem.
When I was 16 I stood at a crossroads
It was literally a crossroads
There were roads
They crossed
And the light went green and I stood there
I\'d been thinking about poetry and poets.
I did a lot of that
Some of it was about girls
But that day it was poetry
So I think
The ideal is not to write a poem
But to be a poem!
To translate your entire being into a poem.
Ideas quickly can become ambitions.
I nursed that ambition, even though I wasn\'t sure what it meant.
I took it out and looked at it over the years.
It\'s polished kinda smooth now.
Sometimes now I feel like I\'ve achieved that.
That I walk down the road with my Bee Gee gate
Or cross a room.
Or say some casual amusing thing to a stranger with just the right voice and turning to look at just the right point.
Like my being has metre and rhyme, that it flows.
I still don\'t know what it means
But I like it.