
Jimena and El Cid

The sands sleep beneath the mists

As the breath of time sets in

And my memory of you

Settles soft upon my skin


I felt your hand entwined in mine

As we walked through the morning\'s mist

You called me your \"El Cid\"

I called you my wedded bliss


I returned your loving devotion

You\'re my dear Jimena , if I be El Cid

Across the sands , through morning mists

We walked hand in hand


In a later day I found a wonder

But no where near the age

I am sadden by the book

With the many missing page


If you are my Jabal Tariq

Then I\'ll be your rock El Cid

But far across there is such distance

That no man can abridge


Perhaps in another life

Closer we will be

I will be your day El Cid

If you be the rock of Love for me