
My Lighthouse


A sea of thoughts washes over me

I struggle to breathe as the tide of it rises

I try to fight it before the storm becomes too strong

\'You can do this\'

I think to myself

\'You don’t have to let it win\'

Another wave slams into me

And I’m swept away with the current

First out to sea then swept back in again

Dragged increasingly faster towards the jagged shoreline

To surely crash helplessly upon the rocks

I struggle, I fight

but to no avail

I feel it pulling me under

Taking one last breath

I scream into the wind every word I cannot form


Then I see it

My lighthouse

Cherub face with red hair

Sprinkle of freckles and dark brown eyes

Button nose with a dimpled smile

Tiny little arms wrap around me

The smell of newborn innocence fills me

And then 

The sea falls quiet

The tide lowers

The wind subsides

And all is calm once more