
Rogation Monday

Rogation - from \'Rogare - to ask\'

One of three days before Ascension Day

Fits tune: Laus Deo

(\'Bright the vision that delighted\')

Matthew 6 v.1 - 15


Take heed, do not alms before men

For that your reward be then

Sound not trumpets as hypocrites

Do, man\'s praise for them befits


And when you pray be in secret

Not as does the hypocrite

Praying to be seen of men sure

Boasting in man\'s pride e\'ermore


But give, pray, and fast in secret

With hearts, minds, to Father knit

Pray not with vain repetition

Not performance, audition


For the heathen they do think so

When they to times of prayer go

That they be heard for much speaking

Multitudes of words they bring


Be not like to them, the Lord taught

Vain repeatings avail nought

For your Father knows all our needs

Before we ask, He us feeds


So pray as the \'Lord\'s Prayer\' daily

He will look on us and see

Grant petitions, His kingdom come

And His perfect will be done