Kurt Philip Behm

Damnation Still Unrhymed (+2)

With verse in debt to time enslaved,

its prophecy of doom


Whose curse to sling like darts and arrows,

destined for the tomb


All words in red, as blood they drip,

from wounded hearts and minds


My breath to scorch with fire and salt,

—damnation still unrhymed


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)



Forever Wet


If no man is an island,

what can one man be


If no man stands alone,

to write the words, himself to free


If never beats that distant drum,

one marching out of step


Who will swim against the tide,

—their ink forever wet


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)




Voices Not Your Own


“Don’t write for Poets,

their knives unclean


With jagged edges,

whose cuts demean


Their opinions frayed,

by wounds unseen


Whose righteous selves,

reflection preens”


Write for those listeners starved and wild,

with hearts not carved of jade


Call out to those aliens of the light,

still trapped within the shade


With words to christen and words unwashed,

no listener disowned


Each verse a prayer at best when sung,

—by voices not your own


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)