

I know there are things in this world that I have control of,

But my mind keeps on pondering, 

It keeps on wondering

how I would have changed the past.

I know this is an impossible task,

I just wish I could go back to a place,

Where I looked in a mirror and saw a face,

Which represented me,

And only me. 

The version of me which was more simplistic, 

When I was slightly naive and ever so optimistic,

When I didn\'t ride a roller coaster of emotions from calm to ballistic,

When I wasn\'t another lost person, another lonely statistic.

When love was easy and never a burden,

When I didn\'t dissect the world like a surgeon.

When he tells me I am beautiful I wish I could see it,

When he tells me I am perfect I wish I can be it,

When we discuss our future I wish I could always dream it,

When he tells me her loves me uncontrollably, I pray he means it. 

I feel like a shattered plate that\'s impossible to piece together,

But even with my cracks, he promises to put me back even if it takes forever.

If I can aspire such beautiful words from such a beautiful man,

Then I must not be that bad.

I guess I am my own worst enemy,

I should be making best use of this energy.

It\'s hard but each journey starts with one step at a time.

I\'m only half way of my journey and it\'s time I crossed the line. 

Love thy self

Evaluate my truth worth.